Tuesday 5 April 2011

Asia - Cambodia

Harro again

Just a quick update, again. I'm knackered today, I was up at 5.15am this morning to go watch the sunrise at anghor wat which was pretty amazing. I think I'm getting a colour cause it was 45 degrees today and fairly humid to boot as well.

We went to a floating village on the lake near here yesterday called the tunle sap and that was pretty unreal. The people literally live on the water in houses on stilts and most of it is pretty ramshackle conditions and they have farms and everything and it just all seems a bit cruel. They also line up waiting for the tour boats to come in so they can come over to beg. It wasnt a great experience but an experience all the same. I got a massage off a blind dude yesterday, that was nice once I got over a fit of the giggles. Anyway we're off on public bus to another town tomorrow called Kampong cham  by public bus whic has karaoke apparently!! and its the homestay after that.

I've tried a few dishes of the local food and its all been really nice bar one meal and that was spring roles - I thought that was the least adventurous option. The food is mostly pork/chicken/beef/fish with rice so you cant go too far wrong.

Happy easter everyone. Buddha's dont do easter eggs :(


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